AudioLink Technologies

                                     Your One Source System Integration Company




Home Access Control Audio/Video Security Cameras Infant Security Systems Integration     



Infant Protection

The Hugs system delivers an unprecedented level of security against infant abduction but

requires little administration and training. As the world’s fastest-selling infant protection

system, the Hugs system offers the reliability that you and your staff can depend on every

day to keep your infants safe. It’s a choice leading hospitals have made, and a choice parents,

nurses, administrators and security staff alike can wholly support. AudioLink Technologies is

the only choice when it comes to Hugs Infant Protection.


Key Benefits

  • Easy-attach tag with automatic enrolment

    The Hugs tag attaches in seconds and is automatically enrolled in the software. Protection

    can start right in the delivery room. The Hugs system ensures full supervision of all

    components, including the tag, with each tag sending a Heartbeat® status message

    every 10 seconds. If the system doesn’t receive these messages for a specified time period,

    an alarm is automatically generated.


  • No manual tests

    The Hugs system requires no manual testing of infant tags or other devices to make sure

    they’re working. The Hugs software continually monitors the status of all devices, and will

    generate an alarm if something goes wrong. The By Your Side™ program for the Hugs system

    ensures that every customer will be successful with infant protection. Xmark is with you every

    step of the way as you implement and use your system, with a wide range of materials and


  • Automatic mother/infant matching

    With the Kisses® option, the Hugs system automatically alerts you if the wrong baby is

    brought to the wrong mother. There are no numbers to match and no wall mounted lamps

    to check.


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